lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

UNA CLASE VIRTUAL CONTEXTUALIZADA , en tiempos del aislamiento preventivo por el COVID-19


SUBJECT: English__        Grade:11TH____ DATE_________
STUDENT TUDENT ____________________________
( ejercicio tipo ICFES)   



Exercises 2

·       Observe cómo es usado el verbo can en cada oración. Si es usado para expresar voluntad/disposición(willingness), escoja  w, si expresa  habilidad(ability); escoja  A, si expresa permiso; escoja per,  si expresa posibilidad (possibility), escoja  pos.

1I can tie my shoes.  A/ W/ Per/ Pos
2. Can I have a piece of gum? A/ W/ Per/ Pos
4. If you ride a motorcycle, you can fall. A/ W/ Per/ Pos
3. Can you get me a drink of water?  A/ W/ Per/ Pos
4. I can speak English well. A/ W/ Per/ Pos
Exercises 3
·       Considerando las explicacionesy ejemplos dados, escoja qué verbo completa mejor cada oración, CAN  o  COULD. Después de saber el significado de todo
1.   I ______ help you with your homework now.
a.   Can             b. Could

2.  Five years ago, I ______ play the piano
a.  Can not       b. could’t

3.  I_______ get an  5  on the test
a.  Can             b. could

4.  I______ run ten miles if I train hard enough
a.  . can            b.  could

5.  We _____ speak English well, right now
a.  Can             b. could

6.  Matt____ be sick today.
a.   Could         b.  can

7.  The volleyball team______ go to the Olympics
a.  Can             b.   could

8.   I think I_____ help you learn math if you promise to study hard.
a. Can        b.  could)

Exercises 4
·       Choose the correct auxiliary modal verb in each sentence:
1.  If you leave the stove on, the house_________catch on fire(incendiarse)
a.  May                           b. might

2.   When I grow up, I_______ become an engineer.
a.  May                           b. might

3.  There is a small chance the we______  go to the beach this weeken
a.  May                           b. might

4.  The airplane ­­­­­________ crash
a.  May                           b. might

5.   If Ely studied harder, she______ have gotten a better grade on the test.
a.  May                           b. might


From China to world

    Acoording to WHO (World Health Organization), coronaviruses are a family of viruses that  can cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-cov/2002), and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-cov/2012). These viruses were originally transmitted from animals to people, then human -to-human transmission primarily viarespiratory droplets from cougs and sneezes, and indirectly via contaminated surfaces.

We should pay attention: A new case of contagious desease has emerged in the central Chiness city of Wuhan in late December 2019. Everybody could be infected if doesn’t take  right actions. It is about SARS-CoV-2, as the illness is officially known, a new strain that had not been previously identified in humans. Little is known about it, so that there isn’t any vaccine yet to protect against this virus, and the worst thing  is that The outbreak started and spread in China first, for which it’s called epidemic. But quickly spread around the world, it was then called pandemic. More than 31,000 people have died from  600.000 have been confirmed in 170 countries. In Colombia has been confirmed 600 infections spread out in 20 of 33 departments.

 Since  there is already CoviD-19 case in border regions of Chocó: Valle del Cauca 73; Antioquia 60; Risaralda 19 and Panama 786, and as mentioned above there is not any vaccine yet to fight the illness, the best medicine to keep us healthy has been the guidance on infection prevention and control (IPC) strategies by WHO. That’s why  people in Quibdó have to obey the authorities’s rules and actions taken to protect and  save our lives: the self-isolation or staying at home with family, no go out to social contact, mantain social distancing, wash your hand frequently with soap(or desinfecting gel), cover your face with a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing. you might be away of being infected but if you  forget that The best treatment for coviD-19 is self-care, people around, your family and you may be infected with the virus.

Exercises 5

Aplicando lo que usted sabe, usando el diccionario, preferiblemente en línea,  -no meta párrafos o todo el texto en traductor, organice usted misma las ideas - lea comprensivamenteel texto anterior: “ From China to world”, porque, luego le toca responder las siguientes preguntas basado en lo que entendió :

1.  De acuerdo a la lectura, cuando tosemos o estornudamos, se debe cubrir la cara con:

a.  Desinfecting gel or soap
b.  A tissue or your elbow
c.  Your hands or face

2.   Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, los coronavirus:
a.  Can cause a outbreak started and spread only in China.
b.  Can cause people in Quibdó have to obey the authorities’s rules.
c.  Can cause from the common cold to more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory síndrome.

3.  De acuerdo a la lectura, la enfermedad de este virus:
a.  Is officially known as coronavirus
b.  Is officially Known as CoviD-19
c.  Is officially known as SARS- cov-2

4.   Según…, no hay una vacuna todavía porque:
a.  The desease has emerged in the central Chiness city of Wuhan
b.  Is a new strain that had not been previously identified in humans.
c.  Little is known about Wuhan

5.   El pronombre del segundo párrafo, encerrado en el cuadrito, se refiere a:
a.  The vaccine
b.  The outbreak
c.  SARS-CoV-2

6.   Lo mejor para el coviD-19 es:
a.  The clynical treatment
b.  Only stay at home
c.  The self-car

7. Según el texto, los chocoanos podríamos contagiarnos, directamente por:
a.  Close Human-to-human contact
b.  Via respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes
c.  Close social contact

8.   Según las maneras fundamentales de transmisión del virus, y considerando los usos de May y Might, relacionados con el grado de certeza o posibilidad de que los hechos sucedan, las 2 oraciones apropidas son:
a.   people in Quibdó may be infected via respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes/ Some others might be infected via contaminated surfaces.

b.  people in Quibdó may never be infected via respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes/ Some  others might never be infected via contaminated surfaces.
c.  No one could be infected via respiratory droplets / no one could be infected via contaminated surfaces

9.   Si nos podemos contagiar directamente por la respiración entonces, se puede pensar que…
a.  Everybody  who breath can cause the death
b.  No one who drop little droplets on him could survive.
c.  Not every one who breath close others put them in danger of dying

10.          El texto dice: “ people in Quibdó have to obey authorities’rules and actions to protect our lives”, pero si hay integrantes de la familia, que tienen que quedarse en casa, pero que viven del rebusque diario, les conviene:

a.  Not follow(disobey) or break the rules, because they’re Street traders who support their family

b.  Appreciate the situation as a really human proof of living together and resilience to let themselves die.
c.    Appreciate the situation as a really human proof of living together with resilience and ask goverment for help

By: César Julio Rivas B. (m prof

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